Using “React Query” to query smart contracts (part 1)

Antão Almada
2 min readDec 5, 2022


React Query is often described as the missing data-fetching library for React, but in more technical terms, it makes fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your React applications a breeze.

React Query is great to retrieve data from any remote source. Most examples of its use are based on querying web APIs. This series of articles will explain how to use it to query smart contracts.

NOTE: This series of articles use TypeChain to make strongly-typed calls to Ethereum. Please check its documentation and discussion board to learn how to set it up. It’s also assumed some knowledge of React Query.

Let’s start by using a smart contract named MyToken that has a public method named MAX_SUPPLY() that returns the maximum number of tokens that can be minted. This value is set on deploy and cannot be changed afterwards.

To retrieve its value using TypeChain we would only need this simple code:

This defines a method fetchMaxSupply() that takes a parameter contract of type MyToken. This simple code does what’s supposed to do but we know that MAX_SUPPLY is immutable and we don’t want to retrieve the value unnecessarily. That’s where the React Query's useQuery() becomes very useful.

We can create a custom hook to encapsulate all the complexity:

Things to note in this code:

  • The query key contains the contract address so that it can cache different values for different addresses.
  • The query is not enabled when the contract is undefined.
  • The cache time is set to Infinity as the value is immutable for each address.
  • data is renamed to maxSupply.

The useMaxSupply() hook can be called as follow:

The variables maxSupply and isLoadingMaxSupply can now be referenced in your React components.

This custom hook is way more complex than the method that we started from but it’s so much more powerful. It’s very simple to use it and adds all the following:

  • Integrates easily on any React component.
  • Handles undefined values.
  • Handles errors.
  • Caches different values depending on the contract address.
  • The isLoading property makes it easy to integrate spinner animations.
  • Allow external reset of cache by exposing the queryKey.

This is the simplest example of using useQuery to query a smart contract. In the next articles I’ll go through more complex examples. I’ll then also start a series on useMutation.

Next: Using “React Query” to query smart contracts (part 2)



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