Using “React Query” to mutate smart contracts (part 1)

Antão Almada
2 min readDec 7, 2022


Jaguar Rollercoaster, Isla Magica — Antão Almada

In previous posts I explained how React Query can be used to query smart contracts, that is, to perform read calls. Now I’m going to explain how to mutate, that is, to execute transactions on the blockchain.

Unlike read calls, execution of transactions requires the confirmation by the user on the connected wallet as gas fees will be charged. The transaction has to be validated which may take several seconds or even minutes. The user should get reactive feedback so that his constantly aware of the required steps and the transaction state.

NOTE: This series of articles use TypeChain to make strongly-typed calls to Ethereum. Please check its documentation and discussion board to learn how to set it up. It’s also assumed some knowledge of React Query.

Let’s go back to our MyToken smart contract that derives from OpenZeppelin’s Pausable. MyToken has a pause() public method with restricted access to the contract owner. This method simply calls the internal method _pause() provided by Pausable.

To implement pause() using TypeChain we would only need the following:

React Query provides a useMutation() hook for when we want to alter the state of a remote source. It makes it easy to integrate in React and adds features like error handling, retry on error, isLoading state, and many more.

We can wrap all this into a custom usePause() hook:

It simple returns the result of useMutation() given the previous pause() method and renaming mutate to pause.

This custom hook can be used as follows:

The custom hook also supports the typical options provided by useMutation(). This means that it can also be used as follow:

The onMutate callback is called before the wallet opens. The onSuccess callback is called after the transaction is validated by the blockchain. The onError is called after a transaction revert.

The console.log() statements are used only as a simple example. You should replace these by frontend notifications that give reactive feedback to the user on your frontend.

You don’t need to invalidate related queries in onSuccess. If you implement the queries as suggested in my previous post, the query invalidation will happen automatically when triggered by the smart contract events they subscribe to, which happens immediately after a successful transaction validation.

Previous: Using “React Query” to query smart contracts (part 3)
Next: Using “React Query” to mutate smart contracts (part 2)

